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POLYKEN 955-20

Polyken 955-20 is a multilayer system used for the protection of steel pipelines. Polyken 1019,1027,1033A or 1039 Liquid Adhesives can be used as primers for this system. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : The Anti-corrosian layer Polyken #955-20 engineered to assure a high bond to the primed surface with excellent conformability characteristics. mechanical protection layer Polyken #955, achieves a complete […]

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POLYKEN 980-20

POLYKEN 980-20 is a multilayer system used for the protection of steel pipelines. Polyken 1019,1027,1033A or 1039 Liquid Adhesives can be used as primers for this system. In addition to serving as primers, these liquid adhesives themselves represent an anticorrosion layer and provide a uniformly smooth contact surface to promote high adhesion of the coating

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